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Gloomiferous Pooms


They gather like birds, like fish, with mouths open & necks extended, supping on the azure berries of our divine enlightenment, the...


I have a name. I can't remember it anymore, but I have one. I know how your lips shape it, the pull & pucker, the press of tongue to...

To Whom the Dead Belong

The earliest shoots of spring sing of death, leurs hymnes solennels emportés par le vent, gravity in their greenery as the earth turns at...


Ceremony clambers toward the lackadaisical Bereavement expressed in broken, winding narrative About a creature whose existence slowed and...

Eulogy for a Snail

Death knows all creatures, even the small and the armored, the mother among fish, the one- footed and thick-shelled. Death sees the kid...

Die Widerlegung

Wo die Liebe herrscht da gibt es keinen machtwillen The iron-rich taste of a fast-beating heart It's the shadow of power An expression of...


The concrete slopes downward, broken, grass shooting through the cracks and thorned branches from next door's roses stretch across the...

Water Dreams

I. What I remember of the green depths is not their unfathomable song, but the silence which surrounded it. II. What I remember of the...

Water Dream

When I was a kid I dreamt of a flood, Of water that grew up from the ground Not from a spout, a wave, or a tide Just an arrival from some...

Mourning Morning

the shadowed alcove entry of a failed arcade is like serrated darkness when rooftop sheers the sky, starless, before this glassed prison...

Mourning the Marquess of Surrender

Whether memory or myth, the story states that he was born to starkness under a starless sky, desolation and darkness his welcome into...


Mountain Ash, Blue Spruce The names of streets are Like fragile wiring in the walls to a young child. Behind stained floral wallpaper In...

On Your Return

I opened the windows today. I can hear the birds singing, still. They say that's what it's like, that there's music everywhere, that it...

A Dirge

You weren't always so agile, light-boned and swift. Once, you stepped like stone was your kin, like you carried a mountain beneath your...

Inside as Out

There was too much to witness A crack in glass like icy Little fissures on the pond Cobwebbing outward beneath A mass of ghastly and...

Hum of the Hummingbird

My mother used to accuse me of only remembering the bad things in life. Bad things were like giants in my mind huge trees standing over...

The Accord

There are no ghosts here. Only the detritus of seasons past, sun-bleached brown feeding violent bursts of green growth, a native uprising...

The Folding World

The last time I dreamed, the world folded and unfolded at angles waking eyes have never seen. It crept closer when I looked askance,...

Gilded Pitch

I brought loneliness with me when I woke, a thread of shadowed gold which I wove into a curtain of gilded pitch and hung upon my western...

Our Lady of Change

i. It burned so cruel and so quick, taking everything I'd built, no chance to save anything but this precious, pitiful breath, routine...

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