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Ten Ways to Lose My Interest

Helpful Suggestions for the Infuriatingly Interesting


Measure yourself against imagination.

Take stock of all your short-comings.

Buckle beneath your own insecurity.


Let your ambition consume you so fully

that the only joy left in your life is

having your paranoia proven true.


Insist there is a formula for these things,

a script we are both meant to follow: lines

following lines, never crossed or forgotten.


See me, for a time, and let that solidify

into a single, perfected picture. Protest

when I prove an inconsistent match.


Take to sighing and shrugging as if it were

fashion, a trend to be so very disaffected,

so dull & dim where once there'd been life.


Decide who I am & dictate it to me.

Accept no evidence to the contrary.


Let pride & desire determine your direction

without any tempering by grace or discretion.


Empty yourself of depth.

Fill the hollowness with

trinkets and whistling.


Take all of my trust and feed it to the Eater.


Stop sending me poetry.

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