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  • Writer's pictureNic

The Inherence of Isolation

We aren't meant to be alone, he said,

and I held my tongue, sunk into arms

warmer than the words I bit back, but

I know the immensity of his aloneness

when compulsion gives way to taking &

shame sinks sickly in his stomach, so

far from his silver-slick tongue.

We're not meant to be alone, he said,

and I want to believe him, but I hear

the loneliness in your lament, I know

how sobbing sounds different

when it's your own. But what

aid can I offer for your aching,

what use my held out hand, when

drowning is all I've ever known.

And still he insists nobody is meant

to be alone, but every heart has its

empty chambers where decisions are made,

hollow places where nobody else can go--

& I know how loudly voices may resonate,

but there is no one else there

to shoulder the weight when

the path is ours to choose,


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