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  • Writer's pictureNic

Fever Dreams

I woke at the mouth of crystal-rimmed caverns,

residue caking my fingers, clumped under nails.

It had slipped so slick and transient over skin

when I'd plunged my hands into translucent blue

up to shoulders, neck, head, submerged entirely

breathing in ether, otherness, otherselves. How

many had I collected? How many were myself?

How had all that fluidity and freedom dried

up and crusted, sticky thick and dull? Dead.

I can feel them in my lungs, crowded, congested,

cramped into expanding apartments for uncounted

identities desperate for breath and expression.

I try not to cough for fear of losing some part

of myself I have yet to examine, unprepared for

the inevitable autopsy. I know I'm suffocating.

I swipe at salt-shards and shake free, spilling

second-hand selves across black sheets, gasping

for place and purpose and time.

Too early still, the room limned pre-dawn blue.

I should go back under and collect more, learn

more, harvest all the mes I'll never be, gather

them in my chest until they kill me again, wake

me again, crusted and confused,

half-alive & healing.

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